

  • Complete access to The Portfolio

  • 2 new picks per month



*Most popular (33% off Monthly pricing)


Every membership comes with a 30-day membership-fee-back guarantee.

  • A guaranteed path to wealth, without risk or volatility, that we are positive will stand the test of time regardless of market cycles.

  • An options picking service that doesn’t invest in what we recommend.

  • How we allocate 100% of our investment portfolios, completely ignoring stocks, bonds, and ETFs.

What it’s not…

  • A momentum-based investment strategy which uses the leverage of options in the aim of producing outsized returns.

  • Transparent access to our personal investments and process.

  • A “portfolio enhancement” strategy we use on 5-20% of our total portfolios.

What it is…

No fluff. No fancy marketing.

Just an options picking system that works how it should.

Image from Gyazo

Frequently asked questions

  • Although the strategy is not overly complex, this is not for beginners. You should be familiar with options.

    We also see this as a "portfolio enhancing" service, meaning we only deploy 5-20% of our portfolio to this strategy. For a similar approach, you should have a total portfolio balance of $100,000 or more.

  • We buy deep-in-the-money (delta of 0.80+) LEAPS (expiration date of 1+ years) call options.

  • Yes. We typically take two new trades per month and send alerts the day before we make a transaction (buy or sell).

  • Yes. All memberships come with a 30-day membership-fee-back guarantee.